Do you ever wonder how on earth you're going to be that 'Bride without spot or wrinkle'? I do! It seems that with each passing day, I become more aware of my own short falls and the areas I lack in!
I'm so grateful that we're not invited to simply serve from a distance, but to be 'up close and personal' with God, who took on flesh and renewed the marriage covenant with us through Jesus' death on the cross!
The invitation is there for each of us to enter into deeper bridal relationship with Jesus, or stay on the periphery of relationship. And there lies the challenge!
My dear brothers have helped me produce a song called 'Preparing Your Bride', and it's all about the process we are in, right here and right now.
Revelation 19:7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him the glory. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready. She was given clothing of fine linen, bright and pure.”
Hadassah (Esther) went through six months of preparation before her marriage to the King, she was given seven maidservants to help her prepare, as found in Esther 2:9.
Oh I thank God for His help!!
So we have the Seven Spirits of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2) to help us prepare ourselves, so the work is not down to our own accomplishments per se, but it is down to us surrendering to His Spirit to prepare us, and our obedience to His promptings. Oh I'm so grateful for His intervention on my behalf!
I hope to share 'Preparing Your Bride' with you soon!